THE SIN OF OUR TIME: VANITY - The Peril of Self-Reflection in Matters of Importance in Life


THE SIN OF OUR TIME: VANITY - The Peril of Self-Reflection in Matters of Importance in Life


Do you look at yourself often in the mirror? What do you see? What are you hoping to find? A God? A man? A woman? Or both? A creature. Is your unique mirror dirty, flithy, fogged or clean? We all have eyes. We all have mouths. We all have hearts. We all feel love, and we all feel pain. What happens when you think, in a forest surrounded by other monkeys such as yourselves, you think you are the first, the only ones, to have preciously found something that no one else has, in a pond’s water: your reflection. The root of self-destruction and Evil: vanity. An Audio Recording. Forthcoming to ABH Illustration.

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